Jack puts his finger right on it.

Don't waste your time ginning up outrage over what **shameless** people are doing.

Trying to **shame** them over what they are doing is a useless exercise.

Focus on **replacing** them. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1337056545968955401?s=20
Let me clue you in on why about 50% of "Conservative Media" is pretty much useless.


They spend all their time **reacting** to what the corporate media is doing, convinced this is how you 'fight' them.

That is NOT how you fight them.
Constantly pointing out how the corporate media is failing isn't the same as **competing** with the corporate media in getting the real news out to the public.

Lots of media people on the Right have built their brands on outrage over MSM lying.
I want to destroy the corporate media. I want to loot and pillage it until it is a pile of ashes, upon which I will then pee as I help build a New Media to replace it.

That's **not** what over half of Conservative Media wants.

Destroy the MSM?

Why would they want that?
What would they have to endlessly whine & complain & stoke outrage about if the corporate media suddenly disappeared?

Why, they might have to focus on actually **reporting the real news**!

Where'd the fun be in THAT?!
No no, it's **much** more fun [and easier, too!] to spend all day going "Here's those people we already know are liars & fake news.....**gasp**... get this!... spreading **MORE** lies and fake news!"

They literally follow the corporate media all damn day long.
I **don't** follow the corporate media all damn day long.

I'm too busy doing actual journalism, research and digging into stories.

Watching CNN all day to make endless posts about "OMG those liars are lying again & spreading fake news!!!!" ?

Waste of my time.
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