Who wants a puppy update?!

UPDATE: My puppy is a moron and is going to take all my money. A thread.

So, yesterday, my dog suddenly became very ill. Very ill. Obviously so. I rushed him right to the vet. Vet did X-Rays and observed something metallic in his intestines. +
Vet had to operate. He found that whatever it was had already mostly moved through the intestines, so he chose not to remove it surgically, as it was already near, ahem, expulsion and there's a big infection risk opening up the colon and rectum. +
So dog comes home, HIGH AF, and lazes around for five hours before rousing himself. I take him outside, he takes the world's largest pee and then has a gross poop. Said poop, which I had to sift through, contained what looked like cotton, some cardboard, and ... one earring. +
This actually all makes sense. He had raided the trash can in my kids' washroom, I realize now, which has a lid but I guess he defeated that. And the earring we knew was missing. I'm guessing it fell below the sink (where the trash can is) and he ate it while raiding the bin. +
He had a good sleep overnight and has been quite dopey all morning but seems to be slowly improving. He just got up and scratched at the door. I took him out the yard.

It's blue-bin pick up day in my area. A metal foil pie plate blows by. He pounces on it and shreds it. +
So, first, I'd like to apologize to the neighbours for the profanity. Second, I was able to grab it from him and prevent him from eating it, but while I was doing that, he tried to eat a rock.

So, like I said, my puppy is an idiot.

But he's cute.
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