TRUMP NORMALIZATION: If you could use a time machine to revisit our country in the immediate aftermath of Obama's victory in 2008, not a single important Republican leader advocated for a SCT challenge to the election despite the obvious racism of the Republican Party.
2] If some state AG's had filed a law suit to overturn valid electoral results in several blue states, McCain and prominent Republicans would have marginalized these AG's because they would recognize such a law suit as a threat to democracy. Yet, today the Republican "party"
3] engages in sedition and almost 47% of the country willingly supports a facist "great leader" view of governmental authority. Some media react to this outrage by treating it as "Trump just being Trump", thereby missing how normalization of past outrages has led us to this sorry
4]state of affairs where far too many Americans do not recognize what is at stake in this law suit. How far we have fallen as a nation! There should be massive and uniform outrage at what these Republican state Attorney Generals, lawyers all, are trying to do to our democracy.
All of them should be impeached for their treasonous behavior but of course nothing will be done and they will probably gain support among Red voters. Instead of losing their office, they will be perceived as heroes defending the Great Leader. Pure unadulterated facism!
fascism not "FACISM": where is spelling check when I need it.
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