This drives me insane. We've had an ongoing debate with J's school about this, as husband is CEV and I need to be covid-free to take mum to doctor/hospital appointments. We were told there was no danger in schools. Since then, 50 kids in J's school have tested positive. 1/5
Last week, J was ordered to self-isolate (from the school that presented no risk of her catching covid) 4 days before I had to drive mum to an angiogram. So, I had to move in with mum (worried I might be infectious) leaving CEV husband to look after J 2/5
Daughter supposed to go back in today. Government guidelines say if she doesn't then she will be fined and won't be allowed to access the online schooling, even though it's up and running and would just require her to press a button to use it 3/5
Luckily, Head is a lovely man who understands our situation. He has (unofficially) given her access to the online schooling and agrees it makes sense to keep her home. But his hands are tied by government rules and he has to mark her absence as unauthorised/fineable 4/5
We're lucky. We can afford the fine. Other families with clinically extremely vulnerable members can't and govt guidelines force them to send kids into schools with multiple covid cases, leaving kids feeling anxious/guilty and parents afraid for lives.
Makes me sad and mad 5/5
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