How weird that a party that has repeatedly told its supporters that Democrats are not “real Americans” and that they and the reality-based press are “enemies of the people” would think it’s patriotic to contest an election won by a Democrat.
Republican elites in the media, the party, and in elected office think this is some sort of game where you try to win at any cost and you’re a sucker if you don’t. They care nothing for democracy, and know nothing about the histories of other countries where democracy has died.
Several Republican officials have comported themselves honorably. At this point, it’s hard for me to see how such folks stay in the GOP. A coordinated mass exodus of such people would send an important signal.
I know those folks have reasons for not being Democrats. That’s fine. They don’t have to join the other major party or change their policy preferences. But they do need to stand up for American democracy by leaving a party that is currently an existential threat to it.
The only language Trump and his sycophants understand is power. The only people who have power that matters to them are other Republicans. Like Romney. Or Collins. Or Fox News hosts.
On Aug. 6, 1974, at the regular Senate Republican Conference lunch, Goldwater fumed: "There are only so many lies you can take, and now there has been one too many. Nixon should get his ass out of the White House -- today!"
All it would take is for two GOP Senators to leave the GOP caucus for McConnell to lose his Majority Leader gavel regardless of what happens in Georgia. Those Senators have great leverage over their party, if not Trump himself.
There’s this book called “Profiles in Courage” written by an obscure fellow named John F Kennedy that every Senator knows about, even if they haven’t read it. At any minute, some GOP Senators could add a new chapter and shape the course of US History.
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