“It’s obvious the royals actually believe they are blessed with the divine right of kings and appointed by God.
The divine right maintains the monarch takes orders from no earthly authority, which explains Kate and William ignoring the government’s advice”
“But the couple rolled into Scotland this week, as welcome as a persistent cough. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was criticised by royalists for not bowing and scraping with the zeal of a Blackadder minion.”
“exception to the rule includes travelling for work. In case the couple are reading – work is an activity, such as a job, requiring effort, usually for money but rarely a personal train.
The parasite express has ploughed through the lockdown tiers, with a full team of lackeys”
“Kate who changes designer coats, the way we change our pants, was wearing an outfit which cost more than months of wages for a cleaner.

For the Welsh leg, Kate wore a £1500 kilt and tartan scarf, possibly because she thinks Wales is in Scotland.”
“We shouldn’t be surprised at the idiocy and arrogance of the tour, given William accused the media of being over- dramatic when Covid hit the UK in March.
He was then on a tour of Ireland and asked a paramedic: “Is it being a little bit hyped up do you think in the media?””
“He faked mock horror and said: “By the way, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are spreading coronavirus, Sorry.”
You said it Wills. Sadly, there will never be a vaccine to protect us from royal dullards.”
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