ok so since today is jewish creators day blackout or something here's a thread about judaism coming from an actual jew !!
first things first, judaism is very different from christianity. a lot of people assume hanukkah is an important holiday, because it's around christmas and companies chose to capitalize off it, but it's not.
people keep making hanukkah more christmas than hanukkah (eg hanukkah trees/bushes, mench on a bench, presents, etc).
now what are important jewish holidays? the high holy days are our most important holidays. rosh hashanah and yom kippur are both very important.
rosh hashanah is the jewish new year and the celebration of it and hope for a good year. yom kippur is a day of repentance where, if you've had your bneih mitzvah, you fast for the day and ask for forgiveness for the bad things you've done during the year.
another extremely important holiday is passover. passover is to remember our ancestors' escape from slavery in egypt. on passover, we have seders, and it's kind of like an important meal with symbolic stuff to do.
now here's a few things on antisemtism:

- it's practically everywhere
- antisemitism did not start and stop with the holocaust (shoah)
i'm going to go in a bit more depth about antisemitism now. while the holocaust was the most recent devastating event in jewish history, it was not the only one. many of our holidays are actually devoted to events where we weren't wiped out.
there's a lot of antisemitic tropes in media, too. for instance, in tangled, mother gothel looks like an antisemitic portrayal of an ashkenazi jewish woman and also has a lot of antisemitic stereotypes in her character.
another example is from percy jackson. there's three jewish characters in percy jackson, and two of them are jewish coded. they have very jewish last names . . . but they're children of hermes. the god of thieves. and lavinia doesn't stop talking about stealing something.
a very popular antisemitic trope is greediness, and that can be in a lot of different medias.
another antisemitic thing is literally mentioning palestine to a jewish person even if they didn't even mention palestine or israel. if a jewish person is just existing and you say "death to israel" you're being antisemitic.
most jews dokt support the israeli government or how israel was founded, so please don't assume so. we're also not part of the israeli government. like we have no effect on what's going on there.
also, don't talk to jews like you know more about our religion than we do. i once had someone try to convince me that i speak "jewish" and not hebrew even after i repeatedly told him it's called hebrew. he only listened when my non jewish friend backed up my argument
and he and that friend did not get along at all.
another example of antisemitism are the gringotts goblins. theyre described with antisemitic stereotypes and act as some too. in the movies, there is a star of david -- a symbol now equivalent to the jewish people -- on the floor of gringotts.
and there's also smaller instances of antisemitism too. some include memes which have antisemitic roots. another example is "grammar nazi" which i hope i domt have to explain.
another thing i've noticed is how in school, when we're learning about the holocaust, the books we read never have a jewish mc. they're always some random goy that got swept up in the entire thing and they never show the actual brutality of the holocaust.
also here's an important piece of information on judaism: IT IS AN ETHNORELIGION !!! that means that the jewish people often have an ethnicity that is specific to jews. there's many jewish ethnicities, so i'm not gonna list them all out.
judaism is not a race. nazis and white supremacists believe it is, but it's not. "jewish race" is antisemitic.

someone can be jewish because of their ethnicity, but not because of their religious practices. it goes the other way around, too.
anyways, feel free to rt to spread, and if any other jews want to, please share some other things i missed in the replies !
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