I saw PereGrimmer's banned thread. It's a little to 4D-chesslike for me to believe. Trump isn't a mastermind; he simply anticipates that his opponents will do everything they can to beat him and opens up as many options as possible to win. /1
Trump didn't have every detail planned out a year ago. Detail-based planning is actually how you *lose,* as no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. They way you *win* is to have knowledge & options. /2
To use the battle analogy, George Washington was prone to making complex, machine-like battle plans that fell to pieces the first time something went awry. He was, overall, a very bad tactician. /3
Sherman, by contrast, had virtually no plan at all except staying mobile. Patton was the same way. Sherman didn't even really know exactly where his army's supplies would come from, just that if they could keep moving, they could keep looting. /4
Trump no doubt knew his enemies would cheat. He didn't know exactly *how* they would cheat, just *that* they would, which is why campaign HQ was watching anything and everything they could. When the steal happened, his people sprung into action. /5
It's much more Patton-like than Washington-like: keep your scouts active, be ready to move at a moment's notice, assume nothing about what tomorrow will bring. /6
Along those lines, Trump's legal team seems particularly ready to get screwed by establishment judges. They clearly know *all* the tricks, which is why they had a 40-page response ready with a 2.5 hour deadline. /7
This is why, incidentally, good lawyers cost a lot of money. One thing I've learned from Twitter lawyers ( @CultWineGrinch, PereGrimmer) is their most valuable skill is knowing all these procedural tricks and nuances that will totally fuck you if you don't know them. /8
A good lawyer will win your case when the other side plays dirty. A great lawyer will win your case when the *judge* plays dirty. Trump needs great lawyers, not good ones, because he's going up against a corrupt political system. /9
PereGrimmer emphasized all the avenues Trump has to win. *That* is Trump's strategy, not Rube Goldberg machinery. When you can attack from land, sea, or air, at day or night, you're not guaranteed to win, but you are much, much harder to defeat. /10
But these are still all risky plays. The establishment, including SCOTUS, is biased toward whatever they think will cause the least ruckus. There is no, "They've fallen right into his trap!" What there is, is a very agile fighter going from as many angles as he can. /FIN
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