Ofsted has taken action against Foster Care Associates, one of the biggest for-profit foster care agencies in the UK, because of serious concerns over the safety of children in care. The report, published today, is here https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50158060
These failings concern FCA South Western. A summary of Ofsted's findings:
This agency has 153 fostering households and 182 children and young people in their care. There has been no registered since the last inspection (July 2019), staff turnover has been high and 13 foster families have resigned.
Two serious incidents since the last inspection, in which children suffered significant harm.
Concerned by what they discovered, Ofsted decided to check FCA's South Eastern operation, based in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Similar concerns about the safety of vulnerable children were raised here. The report:
Foster Care Associates is part of Core Assets Group, one of the biggest privately-owned children's services providers, and is ultimately owned offshore by private equity.
Its latest accounts show that it was paid almost £75 million by local authorities to keep children in care safe and well. It made profits of £12 million.
Foster Care Associates is a member of @theNAFP.
Privatisation of foster care and children's homes is bad for children and families, and bad for taxpayers.

It doesn't have to be this way.
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