1. Austin is hot. I know it because @iamstevenpedigo moved there and he's barometer. But Austin is anything but a new emerging tech hub. It has been a leading tech hub since I started doing research on tech hubs & innovation clusters in the late 1980s. Some data points.
2. When I started writing what became Rise of the Creative Class in the late 1990s. Get what place was a top destination for @CarnegieMellon comp sci & engineering grads - Austin. I features prominently in that book published in 2002, nearly two decades ago.
3. Check out these data from the book, as published in an excerpt in @monthly. Austin is up there with San Francisco on virtually every tech hub, innovation & creative class metric (wish I could find a better version of that article & its tables): https://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+rise+of+the+creative+class%3B+why+cities+without+gays+and+rock...-a087024488
4. Every analysis my team has done of talent, innovation hubs, high wage job growth over the past two decades, Austin has been at or near the very top.
5. Austin is no new kid on the block. It has worked hard for more than a generation to leverage its assets - a great university, research spending, quality of place, outdoor amenities, world class music scene, openness to diversity & new ideas ...
6. Austins do not just happen. And they do not just happen overnight. They are few and far between. And require a lot of work and intentionality.
7. The issue for Austin right now is not how does it capitalize on being an "overnight" tech sensation. But how does it deal with the thorny problems of rising inequality, increasing segregation & growing housing affordability - the New Urban Crisis ...
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