Marketing 101: Building community

How do brands build a loyal base?
Which comes first, audience or product?
Niche or broad? Which is better?

A thread 🧵 //
Start small

Quality over quantity when starting out. You can’t be everything to everyone and, in the early days, you’ll get a better understanding of who you will become by spending time with your fans.
Be a human, even as a brand

Real conversations with your audience (both in DMs and IRL) will take your brand to the next level.

My golden rule: zero based SM inbox
It’s about emotions

All great brands make you feel something. If you haven’t figured out what you want someone to feel because of yours, you will miss a huge opportunity.

Figure it out and then reinforce it through every touch point.
Brand it

Gaga had lil monsters, YouTubers are nailing this as well.

Giving your community an identifiable brand will help you build programs, incentives plans and more to make this group feel special and spoken to.

Note: this usually comes later - don’t force it.
If your product sucks, emotion won’t matter

Yes you can build a community on sentiment but, over time, poor product quality will erode trust and connection to your brand.

It’s not chicken or the egg. Both need to coexist.
Trust is imperative

Communities are built upon unwritten understanding that they can trust you as a brand, company, mission and product.

Poor customer service will erode this quickly. Not aligning on social issues will erode it even quicker.
A mission to align with

Communities now have the ability to pick and choose who to support with their dollars.

What makes you less of a commodity? A mission they can get behind that aligns with your brand sentiment.
Push & Pull Key stakeholders

Identify both influential people that can reinforce your mission and sentiment and bring them in.

When someone shows active interest in your community (always RTing or answering Qs for you), bring them in ASAP.
Be thankful

Find ways to surprise and delight your loyalists.

Swag always works, BTS updates, early access, time with the founder, or just sending a thank you message every once in a while.

A little goes a long way.
Stop forcing it

You’ll never be able to force a community to develop.

People congregate over shared beliefs, ideas, hopes and desires.

If you haven’t unlocked it, go back to square 1.
What other questions do you have? Community is a blurry and overused term in marketing.

How do you define it?
You can follow @AmandaMGoetz.
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