Take a listen live to the FDA's independent committee (VRBPAC) meeting re Pfizer vaccine. https://twitter.com/CNBC/status/1337034952383328259
In case you haven't seen it- here is the FDA brief with the details on all the Pfizer vaccine studies to date along with study methodology and results. https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download
Types of data FDA has been reviewing from Pfizer.
Why FDA asked for two months of safety data from vaccine trials
Here is the data they will want to continue to collect even after EUA.
Now @DrNancyM_CDC presents post EUA safety monitoring plan, incl V-SAFE, new active surveillance system that's text based where vaccinated can submit possible adverse effects & CDC reaches out to them for details. AND new programs enhancing VAERS monitoring of HCWs and LTFs.
Also planned studies examining real work vaccine effectiveness
Now Dr Anita Patel @CDCgov presents distribution plans
Great question from Dr. Ofer Levy about whether US vaccine safety surveillance will coordinate with global systems.

@DrNancyM_CDC says there is WHO coordinated group that will look & share safety & efficacy across the globe.
Oooh now we get to ethics. Particularly around new vaccine trials after EUA passed.
What is owed to placebo participants?
Dr Steven Godoman says future placebo controlled vaccine trials may not be unethical but they may not be feasible.
Awesome presentation by @angie_rasmussen on use of serology to help inform vaccine strategy
Important conversation re 8 vaccine failures (those who got vaccine but still got disease)- @pfizer was asked about whether they had sequenced the viruses and they said they plan to do this analysis but do not currently have the data.
Both patient & viral characteristics important to answer vaccine failure question.

I hope they also look at all possible logistic failures as well since they become magnified in real life.
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