Ymir fritz and how her desire for freedom began with a good action ; A thread
Ymir from the beginning lived as a slave deprived of her freedom, envying others to be able to love freely, or just : To live. Freeing the pigs was a reflection of herself, she wants to be free, she wants someone to open her cage,
but this action will lead her to witness the cruelty of humans, and even Power cannot push her to revolt, because right now she is alone. And even after she died, her loneliness turns into a curse 2,000 years as a slave to the king’s will, unable to do anything else
then 2,000 years later, a man hugs her, a physical contact, claiming that he is here FOR her, understand her, wants to release her from her prison, BUT. the only person who free her has destructive and hatred thoughts
so it's obviously normal that ymir wants revenge on the world after eren speech, being in agreement with the one who save her, both have two personal revenge for freedom, but they use each other power for the same goal. they made a deal. ( the symbolism of the devil and her btw)
however, my thread means that ymir has never had any contact or interaction other than eren’s ideology. Hatred breeds hatred, especially when loneliness and the envy of others are the main feelings that ymir has felt for 2000 years
So my question now is what if someone else other than eren was there when she was in paths, what would have happened ? if someone else who represented hope (yeah armin) will succeed in making her understand that her power doesn't have it only to destroy?
That freedom is not what she thinks it is now?
I would truly love to see this interaction. Because after all, ymir was just a little girl wanting to release pigs,

she just wanted to do: a good action.
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