5 years ago during one of the world's worst refugee crisis, 🇨🇦 stepped up to resettle 73K Syrian refugees. 

This didn't happen by itself, it took leadership👇🏾

Our Govt did not accomplish this on our own, it was only made possible b/c of the generosity of Canadians in 350+ communities. 🇨🇦 

They opened their homes & hearts from Cape Breton, to Montreal, to Mississauga, to Altona, to Calgary, to Kelowna. We saw the country step up. 👏🏾
I will never forget the young girl who broke down and embraced me in #Saskatoon at a summer camp, hosted by the International Women of Saskatoon, who told me she finally felt safe in her new home.
I am reminded of the amazing young people of @freshvoicesca that I played soccer ⚽️ with in #Vancouver, who now call Canada their home.
I visited @alepposavon in #Calgary, a soap factory run by a 4th generation soap maker who came from Syria. This factory created jobs for Albertans and sells the world famous Aleppo soap.
A big thanks to groups like @SCFGTA @JumpstartCDN who have worked tirelessly to help newcomers not only integrate but give them the tools to be our future entrepreneurs, small business owners & job creators.
Take the time to learn about our new friends & neighbours who are building up our communities from coast to coast to coast. 

People like my friend  @TareqHadhad who has built a famous 🇨🇦 chocolate brand.  #RefugeesWork
I have often shared that when I first came to 🇨🇦, I benefited from the generosity of Canadians. That generosity exists today in each of our communities. 

I think of @jimestill from #Guelph Ontario who rallied 800 volunteers & sponsored 300+ refugees. 🙏🏾
Behind all these newcomers are thousands of more stories of Canadians from hockey moms, small town church groups, local parent councils & neighbours stepping up to lend a hand. 👏🏾
We still have more work to do but as we mark the 5 year anniversary, let's take a moment to pause & celebrate this great Canadian nation building story. 🇨🇦
Today, we reflect on the thousands of people and families who have a safer country to call home & a better future because of Operation Syrian Refugees.  

The journey continues.

Thank you 🇨🇦. 🙏🏾
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