2/7 In this paper we outline our learning from the past 6 years in developing an app that was informed by people with lived experience and other key stakeholders such as mental health staff.
3/7 The process described led to the development of an app that included features individuals viewed as being helpful, terminology that was non-directive and compassionate and functionality that was easy to use.
4/7 However, the paper also reports challenges to the development process including funding and staffing constraints, conflicts of delivering desired features within in boundaries of a controlled trial and potential power imbalances associated with multi-disciplinary working
5/7 To this end we have identified several recommendations for future digital mental health projects: 1) increasing the funding available for stakeholder involvement, 2) promoting the use of alternative platforms for stakeholder engagement...
6/7 3) acknowledging what is possible within skillsets, 4) identifying resources that are already available, 5) finding compromises, 6) involving multiple stakeholders, 7) developing bespoke stakeholder subgroups, 8) ensuring adaptions are aligned with intervention theory
7/7 Huge thanks to all those who contributed towards the development of the @Actissist_app, particularly the members of the expert reference group & participants in our qualitative studies.
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