"mRNA? Is that going to make me into a mutant?"
-Nope, it won't. mRNA is kind of like IKEA instructions for your cells. These instructions tell your cells how to make one small part of SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein. mRNA degrades over time, and it can't become part of your DNA.
"Why is there fat in here?"
-mRNA can be fragile. It's encased in these tiny fat particles--little fat blobs--to protect it and help it get to our immune systems safely.
-So mRNA is like... imagine if you had IKEA instructions, but they were all written on a super long CVS receipt. It can be fragile when bopping around your cells. So we need to protect it with the lil fat blobs!

(I got this pic from a great Vox article about CSV receipts, btw)
"What about these salts?"
-One of them is table salt, and the others are also fairly common. Together they form something called "phosphate-buffered saline". This helps the vaccine be the same pH and salt content as your body.
"Wtf why sugar??"
-The vaccine has to be super cold to keep stable, but freezing it could also degrade it. Sugar helps it from being hurt at low temperatures. Yes, this is the same type of sugar that you probably have at home.
-This vaccine is preservative-free!
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