There is a serious point here. Since 2016, too much of the MSM & Democrats have decided that anything that's mentioned by Kremlin-controlled or Kremlin-friendly outlets is off-limits and ipso facto untrue.

This is about politics, not disinformation.

Let me explain...
There is a clear distinction among counterpropaganda professionals between (actual) fake news and regular old disinformation, which often contains a fair amount of truth. The former includes outright fabrications, eg the Seth Rich deception, which was authored by the Kremlin...
The complete lie that Rich was murdered by a DNC death squad was literally authored by the SVR -- a fact which I was the first to expose several years ago, per below. It was completely made up, and still lives on in certain fetid online swamps...
But the Kremlin and its online friends also push a lot of stories that are half-truths, sometimes even largely true, for propaganda effect. Merely dismissing a story, in toto, simply because Friends of Putin push it frankly says more about you than it does about the SVR or FSB...
Kremlin-friendly outlets also push a lot of Lefty stories (eg US racism, pro-BLM stories, etc) which I don't see any liberals saying are now tainted because the Russians push them.

Treating all RIS disinformation as simply a lie shows you don't understand what it actually is. /X
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