Even though it’s our 🎉 birthday 🎉 we also want to celebrate the amazing applications of #behaviouralscience outside BIT too!.

Here’s 10 non-BIT interventions we liked. #BIT10 http://www.bi.team/bit10 
3. 50% of people in Victoria 🇦🇺 do not hit their daily recommended physical activity target.

@VicHealth discouraged commuters from using escalators at @SthCrossStation by transforming the stairs into a scenic garden art piece. 🌼 🌻


4. 📱 @Penn researchers reduced hand-held phone use while #driving by using financial incentives (max $50) & social comparison feedback (i.e. how your phone use while driving compared to peers).


6. 91 Amercians die/day from #opioid related overdoses.

@PennMedNudgeUnit changed the #default setting for opioid prescriptions in A&Es - leading to 22% increase in lower (10 pill) quantity prescriptions. 👩‍⚕️


10. Researchers at @UChicago harnessed loss aversion to boost student achievement in maths. How?

They paid teacher bonuses in advance & asked them to return the money if results did not improve sufficiently. 👨‍🏫

I'm sure there is plenty more contributions we missed - comment below with some of your favourites!

And don't forget to celebrate 10 years of BIT with us! 🎉🎉🎉 http://www.bi.team/bit10/ 
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