I'm a victims rights lawyer. For every 1 case involving a rape tape on Pornhub, I have 50 involving rape and CSAM being disseminated on Insta and FB. Pornhub is far from perfect. But mainstream big tech is far worse and have a built-in mechanism for harassing victims directly.
So, yes, let's pressure Pornhub to clean up. And give victims the right to sue them. But don't blind yourself to the issue that the social media companies you use everyday are FAR worse even though they don't have "porn" in their title.
And in addition to fb and IG, You know how a lot of csam and child rape vids gets streamed? FB and Skype and more recently, Zoom. Stored and shared? Dropbox and Amazon servers. Solicited? Discord, Kik
The majority of the most ghastly content is not published publicly on porn sites. It’s hoarded and secretly exchanged with as little trace as possible.
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