The next person that tells me we're not witnessing a slow motion coup by the president and Republican senate will receive a copy of Antony Beevor's THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR, and there will be an exam.
The follow-up question is usually to the tune of: Will the coup work in the US? Our founders were wise enough to devise the judicial branch as a backstop to a weak president and senate, and so far, the judicial branch is holding the line. Hopefully, they will continue to do so.
But even if the judicial branch holds the line and the president is evicted on January 20, we're still left with a weak senate with many members held in thrall by a foreign government (meaning: Russia).
Remember that Russia hacked the RNC's emails at the same time as they hacked the DNC's emails, but the RNC's emails were never leaked. That means several senators are probably being blackmailed, and that includes the Senate Majority Leader, he of the Magic 8 Ball pronouncements.
Being blackmailed doesn't get the Republicans off the hook. They are morally weak individuals without the necessary backbone to stand up and protect their country. They deserve nothing but our disgust and to be tossed from their jobs wholesale.
The are some major differences between what happened in Spain in the early '30s and what is happening in the US right now, but there are also a great deal of similarities. So it pays to evaluate the circumstances clearly.
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