1. In 2016, Baroness Royall cited, as an example of 'antisemitism' in Oxford, that 'should a Jewish student preface a remark "as a Jew..." they are likely to face ridicule'. (p. 8) https://antisemitism.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Royall-Report.pdf
2. In 2017, when one (Jewish) panellist at one fringe event called for the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel to be kicked out of the Labour Party for supporting Israeli apartheid, the JLM was outraged at this 'a thinly veiled call to purge Jews from the party'.
5. In this op-ed, he accuses Jewish Voice for Labour of dishonesty ('It is there to pretend') and of 'mobiliz[ing]... their identities in the service of silencing' concern about antisemitism.
What can be concluded?

First, there are no principles or even rules here. Just opportunistic rationalisations for stigmatising, silencing and driving out of public life one's political opponents.
They will not stop until not just 99 percent, but 100 percent of Jewish communal and mainstream political discussion defers to them. Either this standard is accepted, or a line will, at some point, have to be drawn.
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