Today I’ve been told my #UniversalCredit claim has been cancelled. Outright & immediately. I had done the right thing by telling the @DWP of a slight & temporary change in my circumstances. Which is permitted. But they just cut me off. 1/
This means I have no income at all & my housing benefit will be withdrawn too. This puts me at risk of homelessness. Now I have to appeal the decision, likely go thru mandatory reconsideration & possibly tribunal. All while I have no income at all. 2/
This is how the @DWP works. Stop the benefit & make the claimant appeal. They’ll have to backtrack but it puts all the responsibility onto me. And leaves me without an income on the meantime. I tried to engage, let them know, do what was asked of me. No dialogue, no discussion.3/
I have no savings. I’m not fully well. And I’m at heightened risk from Covid. So, make no mistake, this is a #HostileEnvironment. Any rumours about the @DWP adopting a “light touch” due to the pandemic are false. I am stretched to my limit already, physically & mentally,... 4/
...on such a low income. Now I’m totally fucked. Two weeks before Christmas. In winter. During a pandemic. 5/
@dwppressoffice: what’s your response? @NeilCouling: how about you? Your department exercises its powers with such brutality, lack of compassion & bureaucratic obstinacy — it leaves me completely & utterly adrift. Again. 6/
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