Did you know I spent a year sleeping in my office 350 miles away from my family, only visiting on weekends?

Life is good. We are growing multiple companies in multiple industries and I live in my dream home with my wife and kids.
But to get here, I first started Scivation in 2004 and then sold it in 2011 - we then started MTS Nutrition with http://TigerFitness.com  and grew into our current warehouse. To make sure I was involved in this critical time, I literally slept in my office.
I work just as much now, albeit remote most of the time. But before you think that starting a business is freedom, realize that 94% of all businesses fail and this lifestyle nearly destroyed my marriage and also cost me time with my children I will never gain back.
Was it worth it? Since we appear to be succeeding, MAYBE. But it’s a risk, a huge risk, and a vast majority fail.

Nothing worth having comes easy and if you’re a self-made person like me, the sacrifice is unlike anything you can ever imagine.
Follow your dreams, but don’t do it blindly. Always assess the collateral damage.
You can follow @MarcLobliner.
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