Adbhut Ramayana has a story of Raja Bhuvaneshvar. He was Arya Samaji of ancient India who considered only Vedas as authority.

Smritis purans etc weren't acceptable to him. He banned Muri puja, Bhajan Singing etc in his state
If anybody was seen engaged in it he/she was executed. However he did many Ashwamedhas, Rajsuyas and other Shrauta Yajnas.

One day he saw a Brahmin named Harimitra worship Vishnu murti and singing bhajans.

He banished him.
Time came he died. And was reborn as an owl. He was suffering and starving. Yet he had memory of previous birth. He cursed gods, that he did so many Yajnas considered Vedas as authority and still he became पशु।
Yama appeared and said, u did अपराध of a Bhagvad Bhakt also u mocked Veda sammat Shastras. Now pay for it. He as owl had to feed on his own decaying body.
That's when he saw a Vimana with विष्णु पार्षदs and Harimitra too was seated. Owl begged for forgiveness. Bhakta said, I have no dvesh for u. You will become आचार्य of संगीत in देवलोक। Chant the name.

Thus Bhuvaneshvar attained Devyoni.
This story was explanation of this वचन of अत्रि मुनि-

वेदं गृहीत्वा यः कश्चिच्छास्त्रं चैवावमन्यते।
स सद्यः पशुतां याति सम्भवानेकविंशतिम्।।

Those who decry Smritis etc though they consider Veda as authority, they attain पशुत्व।
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