I was asked recently “but what’s the limiting principle for school vouchers? Will be just send funds directly to people for police too?!”

I’ve thought about that for a few weeks now and here are some thoughts
Even Milton Friedman, the most libertarian of libertarians, argued that government has a purpose: protect individual rights.

It arbitrates when the right of one man over his hand conflicts with another’s right over his face.
From there, Friedman argued that governments proper roles is then some sort of police force, courts, and international treaties (this last one doesn’t stem from the first principle but there’s really no other option.

A police force and courts protect people’s rights (ideally)
However, we as a society have decided that we don’t just want to protect rights (a negative action of sorts) but also provide positive goods and services with public funds. That’s where the distinction comes in: protection versus provision.
Within a proper role of government like the courts, we find the institution. When we step beyond these bounds, we provide funds to the individual to use as they see fit.
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