I disagree. And I am slightly disappointed with Mr Guha because he has not written the article wearing his historian hat. Serious Historians are not supposed to write opinions.

Opinions are always untruths, as Plato explains very convincingly in The Republic. https://twitter.com/ram_guha/status/1336560582590308356
Opinions do more harm, than good. It plays to the passion of one of the galleries of audience.

Mr Guha is perhaps so upset with the BJP that he is angry with the Congress for letting BJP win.

Firstly let me clarify why BJP won.
BJP is in power today because of two facts: the grassroots presence of the RSS in terms of thousands of schools and hundreds of healthcare centres and other social activity centres. Secondly there exist a fault line - communal divide in India rebuilt strongly after Akbar died.
When you have an agenda filled with and fired by passion, the means aren’t important. The passion to create a Hindu Rashtra is a direct effect of the existing fault line and that has driven BJP to power. Now, back to the opinion piece that Mr Guha wrote.
Mr. Guha, when and where did Mrs Sonia Gandhi say that she won’t celebrate her birthday because of the pandemic? Rahul and Priyanka, both wished her in public and that makes your statement ‘vanity and self-regard in this public pronouncement was staggering’ untrue and insulting.
Your comparison of a PM, HM and a president with a President, an MP (ex president) and a political newbie not only lacks truthfulness but smacks of insincerity. A insincere historian is a poison and a hindrance to any society.

‘Gandhi, Gandhi and Gandhi’ reads just a tag line.
A son and a daughter, losing their father to a bomb, trying to help their ailing mother by entering the same profession is just being good children. Trying to keep a legacy alive is just being a good heir.
All of us are ‘entitled and privileged’ compared to somebody. Are we supposed to surrender our entitlements? If I have two legs as compared to an unlucky cripple, should I cut my leg as well? Or should I use my legs to help the cripple? Mr Guha, please think.
How did you opine that Gandhis have different opinions when you yourself said that Priyanka hasn’t made herself clear. That makes your argument half baked with one side with incomplete attributes. More importantly how did you deduce that Sonia and Rahul has differing ideologies?
Even if they have different views, should we celebrate divergent views? Please know that there is a difference between agenda and ideology. What the self made Trio has is a passionate agenda. No ideology, for they have proved that means aren’t important. Only the end matters.
All that unites the family is the truth that they are a family, a proud Kashmiri-Italian bloodline. Your attempt at demeaning their unity is poetic and not philosophical. Far away from truth. Just crazy passion and jingoism.
The Trio is self made and the Gandhis are not - is just pandering to the the hoi polloi.

If I have two legs, would I not walk on my own? Or if I have the best prosthetics, won’t I have to walk on my own?

Rahul Gandhi has done more campaign than Modi in 2019 is a fact.
Sonia Gandhi worked smartly to keep her party in power for 10 years with coalition partners - no brute majority. The Govt did much better in almost all data sets compared to Modi rule. She got a bright economist as the PM when she could easily be the PM herself.
‘Rahul Gandhi in Himachal Pradesh’ is an argument of the masses once again. Not expected from a historian. He gave the leadership to Tejaswi and he performed well is another way to look at it. But you are just too passionate and therefore blind to the truth and near truths.
Rahul being active on twitter, for you, has made you blind to his many public appearances - Hathras, Farmers, COVID-19, etc etc. The fact is that his social engagement data is significantly on an upward positive trend. He had 3.7 M followers in 2016 and today he has 17M.
Most importantly Rahul like a true visionary accepted defeat and resigned in 2019. Why do you not write about the other congress stalwarts asking them why are not electing someone else? Writing about him just proves that he is still worthy of the mention. Such is his magnetism :)
I strongly advise you to rethink about yourself, your being, and rediscover your sincerity in making observations based on facts. What you wrote is poetic and not philosophical, truth and scientific.

I disagree.

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