Yo, Canadians?

I noticed many of us say the first thing they will do when they are vaccinated is hop on a plane and travel around the world.

Just like the old days.

Oh man. Who's gonna break it to them?
It's incredible how delusional people are!

Blows your mind!

And the entitlement!

Canadians feel entitled to travel. Spoiled rotten after decades of cheap air travel and cheap easy to access accommodations around the globe.
Canadians are so delusional we actually assume we can hop on a plane and go anywhere we want after vaccination!

Stop for a moment, and think about this.

I know this will hard to accept.

But the world does not revolve around you and your compulsions for instant gratification.
By the way.

Did we actually "travel"?

Did we truly appreciate the places and the people we visited? Did we actually learn?

How is that possible in one or two weeks?

Spoiler: it's not.
Especially when you spend at least half of it drunk.
My Grandmother in Renfrew grew up in the hills of the Ottawa Valley. Dacre.

At times she and her siblings literally starved. Their stomachs were extended.

A day in Ottawa and seeing the Parliament buildings was out of reach for them.
After the depression, simply having enough to feed your family, and for your children to attend school was a miracle. Bc she was forced into caregiving roles with her siblings.

She had a Grade 4 education.

She had to self-teach basic reading, writing and math skills.
She valued a day in Ottawa!

Or a trip to Oshawa on the Via Train from Ottawa to see us in Ajax.

That was a big trip for her!

Going on the VIA Train was exciting for her!👇
She would spend months thinking about it. Planning it.

Squirreling away pennies from her old age pension to save some money for the trip.

Confirming and reconfirming little details like how she would get to the Ottawa Station.

She would pack herself her own lunch.
When I think about that.

It makes me weepy for Nanny.

But I also think that's the grounding we need.

You don't have to get on an airplane to enjoy the thrill of travel.
What about the thrill of hopping on a bus or train to see friends or family?

Maybe we lost touch with ourselves when we gorged on cheap air travel to limitless places we didn't stay long enough or sober enough to appreciate.
Believe it or not, the dream I have for after vaccination is right here.

I miss seeing and experiencing what's outside our doorsteps, being downtown, the places AND people.

That feels like a big trip right now.

And I like that feeling.
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