Saw a Florence Given mess take that said if the rest of us wrote an entry level feminist book when you were 20 years old it would be much worse. True but it also unwittingly points to the key issue: why does the publishing industry keep getting 20 y/os to write books!
Why are we obsessed with idolising very young, green women, making them into quasi-personality cults and the saviour of feminism, when they've barely begun to live? They're inevitably going to receive backlash – it's like they're set up to fail.
Also, when you get deluged with that amount of attention and praise at that age, of course you're going to be warped by it and become a strange egotist. It's why so many of this ilk begin doing bizarre things (remember Slumflower's foray into scam feminism?).
The people monestising these young influencers need to give us answers for why they think this is a healthy cycle to keep putting them in.
You do not have to write a book by 20. You do not have to write a book by 25. You do not have to have 600k followers by 23. Even if you do have 600k followers by 23, you still do not have to write a book. It is ok to just be doing things and living at your own pace!
The cycle, especially for young women influencers is:
- lots of followers
- panels & podcast
- write a book
- massive backlash as a wider audience are exposed to you and ask why you've been elevated as new savant
This is followed by a rehabilitation drive/writing a long post about how they used to be reliant on social media for validation but after the backlash they learned there were other ways of living and this is their new book all about it. They have just turned 24.
I want to stress again – we must lay the blame for this at the door of the people pushing them and a society that constantly urges public notoriety and being completely clued up on life before you've hit 25. If you're 20 and offered a massive book deal, why would you say no?
Also, when I was 20 I thought I knew everything. I thought I knew everything right up to 24. Only the last 2 years have taught me I've barely started living and I know basically nothing. It's more exciting that way imo.
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