Hunter Biden’s investments are alleged by @BuzzFeed to have been made to a company called Megvii. Yes, this Megvii, allegedly & reportedly complicit in the technology used for the Uyghur genocide:
It was this Megvii that was this week reported to have worked specifically with Huawei to use facial recognition technology to round up Uyghurs for genocide in China:
This week US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs & US Senate Committee on Finance Majority released their report

It is rather damning:

“Hunter Biden, Burisma & Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy & Related Concerns”
Countdown to bots repeating the disingenuous & cold hearted excuse, disguised as “defence”:

“I didn’t vote for Hunter”

We’re not stupid. The serious allegations being made concern Hunter working to profit from a regime actively engaging in genocide, at the behest of his father
Reminder of what our censorious media overclass did to those who tried to report on Hunter Biden’s alleged work with genocidal China. They locked them out of their accounts & condemned them as “conspiracists”.

As the @NYPost’s @SohrabAhmari knows all too well when I hosted him:
Now, see my full thread above & accept the naysayers were wrong. This was a story. Say it. Inside your own heads. Own it. Accept your fault. Apologise to yourselves. Do not repeat support for censorious bullies.

That is my advice, because there is more bitter medicine coming.
You can follow @MaajidNawaz.
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