Have the people of Kent grasped how deeply unpleasant their lives are going to be after the #Brexit they voted for? The miles of queuing lorries. The diesel fumes toxifying every breath. The low, sonorous & incessant hum of 7,000 idling engines, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. /1
Human excrement seeping from tens of thousands of plastic bags, strewn along the grass verges, hanging from leafless trees & metal barriers. Bottles of piss lining the hard shoulder of the M20. All this left for the youth of Kent to somehow deal with. What a job to aspire to. /2
The unrelenting stench of hundreds of vandalised portaloos. The acrid smoke rising from the one or two a day that'll no doubt be set on fire... the devil makes work for idle hands. The shitwagons stuck in a 26 mile tailback while the toilets they service overflow. /3
Wildflower meadows replaced by cold, grey concrete parking lots, shipping containers stacked behind tall razor wire fences, looking for all the world like some POW camps of a bygone age. Green acres replaced by endless polytunnels of intensive, desperate farming. /4
Identikit sheet-metal warehouses springing up over hill and dale as storage space becomes premium now that we've broken all our chains of delivery. The abandoned lorries clogging up the A-roads, their drivers simply giving up and taking the foot ferry home. /5
The ceaseless wave of crime as people, sick of food shortages and sick from medicine shortages, plan raids on the "sitting duck" lorries. You can police a container depot, but not a queue of wagons that stretches to the horizon.

The panic, the vomit, the panic, the vomit. /6
Farage & the Tories will lord it over the people of Kent. They'll tell them that this is what they voted for. They'll rewrite history & pretend that this was all on the ballot paper. "What were you expecting?" they'll ask, chuckling into the Prosecco you can no longer afford. /7
A lone tannoy, strapped to a radio mast on the outskirts of Ashford, calls to the Brexit faithful five times a day. The same robotic chant over & over again.

"You voted for this."
"You voted for this."
"You voted for this."
"You voted for this."
"You voted for this."

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