Thread: How six words can make a difference.
Later today MSPs will vote on the final wording of the Forensic Medical Services Bill - a good and important bill designed to make the aftermath of rape/sexual assault easier for victims
The current wording says women can choose the gender of their examiner, but as gender is NOT a protected characteristic under law, leading feminist and MSP @JohannLamont has tabled a #sixwords amendment changing sex to gender
So far, so straightforward...until Rape Crisis Scotland - set up to support women at their most vulnerable - sent a briefing to MSPs asking them to keep gender. Why?
RCS’s rationale for retaining gender instead of the legally robust term sex doesn’t hold up. They argue that as there is currently a shortage of female examiners there is no reason to use precise language in the bill 🤷🏼‍♀️ confused? Me too.
As an aside Queen Margaret University has set up a course for medical examiners, so more women will be trained in this key role
The ideal solution would be if the Health Secretary, another long time feminist @JeaneF1MSP accepted the amendment, but failing that let’s hope our MSPs - regardless of party - stand up for all women and girls today and vote for #sixwords that will make a difference to women
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