Learning how to read equations is as much learning a new language as learning how to code is. Both require a lot of practice in addition to good instruction. When I started grad school in 2014, I could *barely* make a line plot in MATLAB and hated coding. https://twitter.com/ttrogdon/status/1336836102963990529
Also building on the original post: I didn’t even know what computer programming was before I went to college! If you had said coding to me, I would have had no clue whatsoever what you even meant. I also started college knowing nothing about meteorology besides that I liked ⛈🌪
I’ve witnessed many undergrads treat other students as if they’re severely behind for not starting college as a “weather expert”, and that’s complete bullshit and fueled by their own insecurities. The point of seeking a degree in meteorology is to *learn about meteorology*
I also completely acknowledge that I likely would not have done well in undergrad had I gone through other programs that just throw equations at you in your first courses as a method of intimidation and weeding out students. Concepts and foundational knowledge are essential.
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