Very little is taught about our history, what the islands were like before slavery and what damage both physically and psychologically has been left behind.
I think it says a lot that the U.K. destroyed a lot of the Caribbean, tricked them to coming to the U.K. to help rebuild after the war and now the work is done are committed to sending them back to the same place they destroyed with no reparations.
The strong opposing of homosexuality is a direct result of slavery. Soldiers used to publicly rape the man of the house, village or group to assert control and dominance over them.
Dreads came as an act of defiance, a rejection of western culture because of how inherently evil it looks to those that suffered at the hands of it. This is why it’s so insulting for white people to appropriate dreads for fashion and don’t even get me started on fake braid hats.
It really irks me when others that don’t understand the culture pass judgement. Yes, our governments can be corrupt but where do you think they learnt that from? They’ve been in survival mode for centuries because of slavery, it’s hard to overcome that trauma over night.
To see people flock to the Caribbean for luxury holidays to take up residence on beaches the locals are band from, to get their hair braided and have the locals pander to them because everything but servitude to foreigners has been destroyed on the island. It hurts to watch.
Millions were slaughtered for the sugar and spice trade, entire families and linage were wiped out. I can’t trace my family past our slave masters name but you don’t understand why your upper class marketed fake jerk rice is offensive?
How is it mineral, resource rich countries are some of the most poor? But people continue to look on with judgement and detest for lending a helping hand to a destruction they not only caused but benefited from and still do to this day.
Do war crimes not matter when they’re committed by the winning side? No wonder so many British people are racist when they’ve been painted as lord and saviour over black people and now look down on us as lazy because we have less capital BECAUSE we were robbed and enslaved.
The audacity of it all irks me. How can you call a race of people lazy when you enslaved them to do work you didn’t want to do? The western world was built by us for you FOR FREE and we’ve had to start from square 1 as little as 60 years ago. But yes, let’s learn about 1066.
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