I lost my brother in an accident when I was 13 years old.

I was numb for a long time, there was no place for any emotions in me.

Years later, my best friend took me to therapy.

Here's what I learnt.

A thread:
1. You will miss them forever, and guess what? It's absolutely okay.

"Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve."

- Earl Grollman
2. Share your sadness

Don't listen to anyone who asks you to be strong.

You don't have to be.

Cry it out.

Share your sadness with someone you know will understand you.
3. Look for the answer

When you lose someone, you wonder why it happened to you.

When this happens, you begin your journey towards the real life.

And most often than not, your suffering leads you to spirituality.
4. Seek help

You're not weak when you seek help, you are in fact courageous.

It's not easy to share your story with someone, bare your heart out to them and let them guide you.

But do this for yourself. For people around you.

Heal, for it's where all the magic lies.
5. Be kind to yourself

Don't shut down your emotions.

Accept your grief.

Be kind and loving to yourself in this journey.

Tell yourself, it's not easy, but I will get through this.
6. The pain will lessen

I promise it will,

but I can't promise for it go away,

because you can let go of the loss, but not of love.
7. Let them go

I can tell you for sure they're are in a better place.

Keep them in your prayers, keep loving them and keep celebrating their memories.

But at the same time,
let them go.
Let them.

Don't hold onto them in a way that you stop living.

Heal yourself 🌼✨
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