A lot of people are currently Breaking free from the mother wound. Part of which means breaking out of the unspoken energetic control of the mother. Passive toxicity, in which the mother creates an invisible dependency & underlying fear of failure vs expansion.
The invisible (passive) form of gaslighting is the slow erasure of your internal navigation system (intuition) by slowly conditioning you to believe that you cannot trust in your own instincts, that you’re often wrong, unprepared, incapable or do not understand enough about life.
The gag is, many people once they find themselves independent of the energetic umbilical cord of their mothers, will find that responsibilities, capabilities & skills that once lay dormant will begin to reveal themselves, they had just never gotten the platform to blossom.
You always thought that you couldn’t make it on your own out in the world because your mother made you passively & actively believe that, until it became a self fulfilling prophecy. The more you stay, the more you actually cannot make it out into the world.
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