"December 2020 Bits and Bites: COVID Edition"

As I'm still keeping an eye on the far right in Canada, I thought I'd do a little thread on what some are up to.

For example, this patriot has decided democracy is lame and is calling for a monarchy. 1/25
Still, he might be pushed towards a theocracy.

By the way, John Moretti (pictured between Chris Vanderweide and Wayne Peters) was one of the far-right "pastors" harassing the Hamilton Pride event in 2018. 2/25

We also have Lorne Winters who helped to organize the Million Canadian March on Ottawa (missing the mark by a mere 999,850 Canadians) continues to insist the Toronto van murderer was a Muslim. 3/25
He's currently trying to raise $1000 so that when he breaks his bail conditions as a result of trying to "arrest" Doug Ford again, he will be released faster.

Then again, one person simply suggested Trump will release him... because that's how things work now I guess. 6/25
Still, more than any other issue (even Trump's anti-democratic efforts to overturn the presidential election), the pandemic is sucking up most of the oxygen in the world of far-right extremism.

For instance, here is the Northern Guard leader commenting on the pandemic. 7/25
... none of that is actually true. 9/25

Among the conspiracies is that the pandemic isn't actually real. For example, we have people like Larry Heather who seems to be suggesting the only way he will believe there is a pandemic is if people are dying in the streets. 10/25
We also have characters like Ruddi Bruce who is convinced the pandemic is a fraud because of is innate... er... intelligence.

And yeah, it's the vaccine that will do you in Ruddi. /sarc 11/25
Bruce insists he won't wear a mask. Why? He says he has a medical exemption, but in reality it's more a "you're not the boss of me!" temper tantrum.

A tantrum that got him into trouble when he was arrested for causing a disturbance when asked to leave a convenience store. 12/25
And if you thought he was throwing a fit before? Dear lord he goes on... 14/25
And on...15/25
And on!

I mean, what a sense of entitlement! 16/25
But let's be clear. Despite their claims they really don't care about the truth and are willing to openly lie. 17/25
And based on the comments, they also really don't care about the people they claim to be fighting for and instead prove themselves to be petulant children for whom citizenship has only rewards and carries no responsibilities. 18/25
More concerning is the rhetoric attacking medical professionals which could result in acts of violence directed towards them simply for doing their jobs and trying to save lives. 19/25
And example of this dangerous demonization can be found in a video by Kevin Johnston that accuses nurses of committing acts of murder, though he couches it in the form of a question. 20/25
The initial comments on the post promoting the then upcoming video were as disturbing as one might expect. 21/25
His guest, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, was a recent PPC candidate. 22/25
She also is associated with Pat Robertson, Derek Sloan, and the Soldiers of Odin and I'm genuinely uncertain as to which of those three is the worst. 23/25
The anti-mask extremists are back to recording hospitals. They are harassing Chief Medical Professional Officers. They are threatening politicians from all sides of the spectrum. The rhetoric has grown increasingly violent. 24/25
I have to wonder how long before someone is motivated to act on that violent rhetoric? 25/25
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