Thread on why traditional Indian diet is not so healthy anymore -
1. India has always been an agricultural nation and its people farmers. Indian diet is most rich in carbs and before people would need to work in fields all day so they'd use up those carbs.
2. Times changed and cities developed and Indian people picked up office jobs. That means just back and forth between home and office in a vehicle. Diet remained the same with addition of junk food but no activity to burn those calories.
3. In villages you'll still see people following the traditional carb rich Indian diet, getting their protein from dairy and pulses and they're still fairly lean because they work long hours in fields and they burn those excess calories consumed.
4. People living in cities need to change their diets and start incorporating protein rich foods in their diets with the right amount of carbs and fats. Add some workout with that and that's how you get and stay fit.
5. Also, traditionally Indian people have always used ghee instead of seed oils. Seed oils are high in omega 6 and while omega 6 and omega 3 both are essential for human body, too much of omega 6 and too little of omega 3 can cause inflammation in the body.
6. Hence it is advised to eat fish or supplement with fish oil capsules to maintain the optimal levels of omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in body to reduce inflammation.
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