I find it peculiar when any American political party is spoken of as a hierarchal organization with agency. Such a thing existed, but was banished with reforms in the 60's and 70's to let individuals voting in primaries with the 'smoke-filled rooms' that picked their candidates https://twitter.com/HeerJeet/status/1336890946684821505
Though in recent disarray, the Conservative Party still functions more-or-less like a 1940's US political party. Someone like Donald Trump could easily be kept out of No. 10 for the same reason Nigal Farage has been kept out of Parliament. https://twitter.com/HeerJeet/status/1336892532634996737?s=19
It's whoever shows up to vote in primaries, donates, and serves in office. There is seniority and importance, but no leadership unless they're in the White House.

Biden seems to view his job as Chief Delegator. It'll be a very unique presidency. https://twitter.com/HeerJeet/status/1336898662102790144?s=19
There's no one tell Feinstein it's time to retire. There's certainly no one with the power to force her to step aside or remove her name from a ballet.

Same with RBG. Obama could only ask her nicely to let him pick her replacement. She felt insulted. https://twitter.com/michaelluo/status/1336877463868235776?s=19
See, I actually deeply question how much power Mitch McConnel has. He’s really good at throwing sand in Democrat’s eyes, but he can’t lead the GOP anywhere. He can’t deliver COVID relief now and came up empty handed w/ ‘Repeal and Replace.’

He rides the tide, doesn’t move water https://twitter.com/drjessecromwell/status/1336910912389844992
To be more precise, McConnell (and others) are maestros of grabbing and weilding ever more power. But the fact that nearly the entire GOP establishment publicly shunned Trump before bending the knee for four years says something profound about the powers they do and don’t have https://twitter.com/mlq3/status/1336921461668265986
As does the fact that very little of Trump’s campaign platform went anywhere in those four years. The Wall wasn’t really built. They tried and failed to ‘repeal and replace’ ObamaCare for a year. So they passed a massive tax cut to feel better about their uselessness as a party. https://twitter.com/comparativist/status/1336923557683625984
McConnell can't change votes. That's a central fact about his 'leadership.' He does a headcount of where his caucus is and delivers the message. https://twitter.com/labibrahman/status/1337043194882777093?s=19
and yet there's a reason his name is booed at conservative conventions and Democrats think he's a Trickster God incarnate.

In reality, he's little more than a messenger. https://twitter.com/labibrahman/status/1337043865946222594?s=19
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