Time to recreate the thread about the correctness of Enver Hoxha in his position on this event. Western Newspapers love to label them "pro-Democracy"
The extremely armed, not peaceful "demonstrators" who are burning a hole on the Hammer and Sickle part of the flag.
Regardless of the plausible deniability, this isn't a dog-whistle.
They burn Lenin books.
The "peaceful" demonstrators lynching a police officer. Do a google image search if you want to see the uncensored image.
A member of the communist party is dragged and killed in the streets.
This was not the tanks. It was the "peaceful pro-democracy protesters"
Child Soldiers.
Very organic... doesn't feel weird at all.
"Our country is suffering.. I ask you to .... "
Radio-free Europe helped. The organization created by Reinhardt Gehlen.
Actual complaint: Hordes of invading mongols!🤣🤣🤣
Imagine if the J Edgar Hoover building had been taken over by an armed militia. How would the US react?

Well, here is a photo of the armed militia taking over the headquarters of the Hungarian Special Police.

The Hungarian special police crackdown on fascists!
This woman who worked in the same building is beaten up by an angry mob.
West Germany gets angry at US propaganda!
Cia Document.
CIA admits that they are the bourgeoise.
"On the positive side..." Of course, Pro-Christian means not (((Bolshevik)))
A complaint from these Pro-Democracy protesters were:

Disproportionate number of Jews in high places
I forgot, the top four communist leaders were Jewish.
They complained that the Premier was "too jewish"
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