ORT. Final chapter. Atto XXVI
Your conception of yourself as you fall asleep is the seed you drop into the ground of the subconscious. Dropping off to sleep feeling satisfied and happy compels conditions and events to appear in your world which confirm these attitudes of mind
Sleep is the door into heaven. What you take in as a feeling you bring out as a condition, action, or object in space. So sleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. “As in consciousness, so on earth.” N. Goddard
So what happens when we die? Introducing Quantum Immortality.
Quantum immortality started as a thought experiment in the late 1980s, and later was more fully developed by physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark. It suggests we may die many times throughout our lives. With each passing, our consciousness moves, shifts to the closest timeline
very similar to the one where we died. It is a concept that was combined with other ideas and morphed into what I and others suggest could have happened, among other potential explanations. These ideas and application of the concepts lie outside the realm of science,
but have been embraced by many of those who believe they have experienced such a shift. This dimensional shifting occurs every time we reach a milestone event in our lives. Make the wrong choice, go the wrong way, brake too late or just be in the wrong place at the right time.
With each death, that timeline ceases to exist for us. The potential reality collapses and is closed off to us and we move to the next closest. The different timelines exist, but our consciousness moves along only one path. It is this act of observing that makes it real.
Each one of us exists in their own reality with their particular choices and potential futures. These other timelines out there are not experienced just as I am not “real" to you now. Because I am not observed by you, I am not part of your reality. To you, I exist as a potential
Someone you know is out there, somewhen, but that you don't experience directly. My words, however exist because you're reading them. There is a path for you that would lead to me, to my reality. Your consciousness will travel along that path where you can observe me, therefore
I will cease to be a potential and become part of your reality. Shift to a timeline where I died and any potential reality where I existed cease to be a potential for you. There is though a safety measure in place by which we should not be able to remember our previous lives
try and imagine the consequences of every individual being aware of this phenomenon. What would happen? Quantum suicide is one of the possibilities and it has happened. Another, quite realistic eventuality would be the imbalance or absence of any form of morality and empathy
because once one possesses the secret of immortality, one ceases to be human and transcends or descends. How many of us would be ready to take the higher, vibrational path, not many I'd guess maybe 144000? Most would gleefully indulge in their newly discovered freedom and descend
To be continued. Good night.
The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases, has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Neville Goddard.
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