i've been able to track down i think is the online pseudonym and deleted posts by the 18 year old arrested in Albury. His online presence shows:
- an immersion in international white supremacist/neo-nazi culture
- an infatuation with Russia
- celebration of Tree Of Life Shooter
It's been reported that he was picked up after he posted something that supported a previous mass shooting.

Prior to that, it appears he ran a white supremacist encrypted chat channel (now deleted), sharing hundreds of racist and anti-semitic posts
He seems to have been an avid YouTube user, updating playlists yesterday that mix Neo-Nazi content with clips of Australian daytime television
In the comment sections of online video, he recounts how he got into trouble for bringing raw steak to school and eating it in class.
few more things
- he seems online & a gamer
- 4channers are acting like he was one of them, with Afew calling him friend. Haven't seen proof but it would make sense.
- no evidence he interacted with Aus far right/white supremacists
- seems like he planned on vistiing Russia soon
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