Latest in QAnon: ten days of darkness happening from 12/12, 12/21 also highly important date (because NUMBERS obvi), JFK Jr may or may not be dead (there is division), aliens may well be real, Biden lost ... and something about Michael Jackson 🤔

Oh, and a “great solar flash”
Basically what seems to happen with them is Q drops a post in whatever godforsaken corner of the internet s/he lurks, then the large Q accounts “analyse” (lol) it, along with any other “sources” (magazine covers, photos of the White House, your mom’s junk mail).
Then the smaller/regular accounts take up the mission and spread the information further. They will chime in and agree/disagree and speculate, but they don’t do much analysis of their own. They need to be led; ironic for a group of such “free thinkers”.

It’s interesting.
There is also confusion over whether the ten days of darkness will happen, or is happening right now. It’s such a profound event nobody can be sure.

There is no shortage of material to work with here!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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