I'm sincerely afraid at this point right now, and getting the virus is 100% my fear. Anyone who tells me "I don't live my life in fear" at this point, doesn't know the beast were up against right now, and why it is *completely rational* to be afraid right now.
Like, I am taking every precaution right now and I am still afraid. Because we keep shattering records each day. The people who went home for Thanksgiving are starting to get sick now.
US coronavirus daily deaths keep rising more and more over 3,000 which is more than the deaths from 9/11. That. Is. Literal. Insanity. Per day we are losing more people than 9/11 in one day.
There are now usually 5-7 days in between each new million cases, which I've been keeping track of in a pinned tweet.

This is why I'm afraid. I'm informed with what's happening, and I'm afraid that doing everything right, I'm still going to get this thing.
Even with a mask. Even social distancing. Even washing my hands. I'm paranoid just living in the US because of every other idiot not taking it seriously. And I'm also angry about it.
It didn't have to be this bad and it all dates back to making the wrong voting decisions back in 2016. And if you truly believe Hillary wouldn't have had a better COVID response, literally fuck all the way off with that shit.
I wasn't enthusiastic about Hillary, but she would NOT have let this virus rampage for nearly a year while almost 3,000 people die per day and nearly 300,000 people die total.
We could have voted for "the lesser of two evils" but instead we got a martyr. All I want to know at this point was whether or not it was really worth all this? All this death and needless suffering?
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