What I believe helps us parse the KQ (Kyle Question) is that there are two separate types of white identity being contested in this and many similar popular outrage flashpoints; Accidental identity and Intentional identity.
There is a primordial ethnogenic speciation taking place in America between Heritage Americans and Cosmic Americans. AmNats deliberately obfuscate matters by arguing counterfactually that the former is implicitly and basically "White."

The majority of these guys are Latino, ffs.
Politically, this Accidental identity process breaks down pretty evenly between contards and libtards. Spectator politics in America is increasingly a simple tribal struggle between these camps that have less and less in common every election cycle.
The AmNats who are WN adjacent expect us to be a loyal vanguard fighting alongside the Proud Boys, Kyle, and Zimmerman against those friggin libtards.

It is not, however, our fight. We are working towards our own Intentional identit[y/ies].
The Contard identity is purely reactive, with nothing defining it but its opposition to the revolutionary libtards dragging their shared country in a direction they do not wish to go. And it's only held together by that conflict baked into the game theory of our partisan duopoly.
White identity necessarily looks past this transient process currently underway to the future where neither a Common American identity nor the Heritage or Cosmic identity is sufficiently galvanizing and unifying.
As for Kyle himself, my messaging from the start was that my heart goes out to him, as he was animated by the most admirable of all desires, the primordial male instinct to defend his community from hostile attackers. But it's not in his or our interest to be directly supportive.
With Kyle, Genie is trying to present us with yet another martyr for us who wants nothing to do with us, just as he's been doing with Trump. It's all about redirecting white anxiety back into the GOP. Watch him and see it for yourself, like clockwork.
Spencer's deliberately inflammatory tirade against Kyle goes like peaches and cream with his endorsement of Biden and the neoliberal oligarchs. He's hopped up on some Esoteric Macronism that I don't even know where to start with, but it ain't my bag.
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