I remember the last time this country lost 3,000 people in one day due to a singular cause. We’ve said “never forget” for almost 20 years. Lawmakers pulled out all the stops to “keep us safe.” This time? For many of those in power it’s “just Wednesday.” 1/ https://twitter.com/davidbegnaud/status/1336848476517232641
On 9/11 there was someone to blame, horrific explosions, crashing planes on live TV. Now we’re to blame and for the most part cameras can’t go where the most gruesome moments are playing out on a scale nearly 100x more deadly. 2/
If there was a foreign enemy to blame, Americans would care. People in power would care. That’s why Trump calls it the “China virus.” We are our own enemy, which clashes with American exceptionalism. Instead of treating this like the tragedy it is, today is simply Wednesday. 3/3
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