Your success with women is directly correlated to the perception you have of yourself.

When you don't seek the approval of others (women included) ,

You come from a place of abundance...
if you are at peace with and love yourself,

it becomes fine if a girl doesnt like you, because you're happy with who you are

coincidentally, this makes girls like you more.
Girls will see a man confident in himself and his life, who won’t compromise on his vision or his values just for the sake of a grill - and think:

Damn what’s up with this guy?

Intrigued and attracted by the resonating LIFE FORCE that arises from this type of person
Girls can feel when you are living in a Low vibrational mindset - when you are thinking

- you always need to be able to walk away
In relationships if you OUTSOURCE your approval or love to others - they can then control you.

You will accept less than ideal behaviours because you are addicted to the appearance of love from others - this is not real love, it is a manipulation.
A quality relationship arises when both parties enter in willingly to create and add to something more than just seeking approval and love

- because they are perfectly happy and loved by themselves and would be happy being single too.
This is the space to be within to creating wholesome, beautiful relationships that raise you up.
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