If ET's/TT'S are monitoring radiation sources and willing to shut down missiles/whole bunkers etc so readily due to undiscovered Animal/human DNA threats,...

Then how do you think they may react to a world wide DNA Vax threat?

Eyes of your Eyes, we are their whole future.
They got the attention of a DNA scientist as he passed a DNA Crop Circle, this event changed the world. Yet we only weakly recognise that they can see through time. We get many more proofs of vision through time in other formats now as well, these all lead off the above event.
Currently all time lines around several monitored sources are all converging. The live [segmented] contact countdowns and a [D'evilish] attack on human DNA can start to be estimated to be in collision. There seems to be a possible attempt to avert the threat, not just to us now,
but all human progeny, who I estimate to be the ones behind many of these extremely accurately timed messages. They seem to know all players in this game well and are assisting/protecting. They seem to know when/how to raise our energy levels to task I also observe.
The eyes of our eyes, seem to be in contact with 'Just' segments of our military and agencies, and the agencies seem to assist in covering up things that they do not want widely broadcast beyond a certain low level. Look to where the explosive data is.
Perhaps your estimation ability of all things has been altered to large extents, so that you do not realize what lays right in front of your eyes. You have far more than you know. We are all here for very important roles.
Soon you may be very frightened about the changes and uncertainties before your very eyes. Stay calm.
It can be postulated that the system of logic and level of planning being witnessed is very penetrative and thorough for assuring best and controlled outcomes. Be patient.
Things will seem out of control at times, have faith. Assist, do not offend. There are already too many willing to transfer anger to physical violence. Remember great things are directly ahead. Write a proud history, personally and for all and all time. Magical things will happen
Think about all you see happening and how it may all fit together to form a whole. define key sources of information by subject matter, it may come in handy. Things are about to get Interesting. 🌏🎠
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