1/4 baked 🤔...

What if Netflix launched a recipe app?
wait, what?

hear me out... yesterday I learned about Netflix's "Kids Activity Report" product


There are so many "things" we outsource to TV...

* Babysitter
* Teacher
* Escape
* Sleep aid
* Companionship
* Education
* etc, etc, etc...
then this morning I saw that Netflix will be launching new shows in partnership with Headspace, including

"A Guide to Sleep" https://twitter.com/chadmumm/status/1336735628944293894
These two developments helped me see Netflix (and any streaming platform) in a different light...

Netflix isn't just replacing the ~content~ we all get from linear TV... it's augmenting the habits we developed b/c linear TV is such a part of our lives
Maybe this was super obvious to all of y'all (I'm slow to the party here), but I'm starting to re-think why I pay for Netflix

I pay for Netflix b/c of what I want to do with its shows.

Most of the time that means (re)watching GBBO, but it can go beyond that.
Back to my initial thought... what if Netflix launched a recipe app?

What if I "hired" Netflix to help me better enjoy what I eat? That ranges from travel to cooking.

(and when you make $$$ off of subscriptions... providing more reasons to renew = how you keep growing)
it's getting late and this is a rouuuuugh stream of consciousness thread from me...

tl;dr - NYT Cooking is great. So many YouTube cooking videos are great. Netflix has so much audience that it can radically change this "marketplace"
You can follow @noahchestnut.
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