this may be a hot take but it’s kinda bothering me so. i think people are getting mad at the wrong things rn. idk who needs to hear this but livetweeting isn’t the issue. accidentally getting a phrase trending isn’t the issue. the issue is tweeting ab blm for one day and (1/5)
then never tweeting ab it again. by asking people to drop everything and only tweet ab blm for right now, you’re making it seem like there’s a finite period of time to talk ab blm until everything can “go back to normal,” which is simply not the case. what we should be (2/5)
doing is incorporating blm, petitions, important info, links, and issues around the world into our everyday tweets and lifestyle. people going private during streams and censoring names means absolutely nothing if everyone is just gonna do that for a few days and then (3/5)
forget about blm after that. it’s the definition of treating blm like a moment and not a movement. if you’re gonna clog the tl or livetweet and you’re not ALSO sharing any important info you see, then yes, you’re part of the problem, but i’m saying people should be able to (4/5)
do both. it means so much more to me that people are still rting things and talking about blm in the future, WITHOUT the entire tl telling them to, than whether or not people livetweet one mc stream today. the intentions are good but pls pls focus on whats important here :/ (5/5)
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