Paul Adams appeared in this Biden campaign ad shortly after he and I started talking about the failure of his dairy farm in Wisconsin.

He says in the ad, "Joe Biden is the kind of leader you can count on."

I just asked him about Biden choosing Tom Vilsack to run the USDA...
Vilsack ran the USDA under Obama.

My article focused on lax USDA enforcement of organic rules that protect small farms like Paul's from industrial-size rivals.

But that didn't start with Trump.

And when I asked Vilsack for an interview, he declined.
As the article mentioned, the Biden campaign never discussed policy with Paul.

And I couldn't find anything about Biden policies that would protect small organic farms from big competitors marketing themselves as organic...

...with the USDA's approval.
Paul's farm failed under Trump, but its fate, he just told me:

"...was already sealed during the Obama-Vilsack administration. It took me three years to go bankrupt..."

"...Vilsack just quietly let big Ag overrun those pesky little Organic producers."
"Vilsack as advocate for the people fails. Vilsack as USDA, CEOs can be great at consolidating wealth at any cost. Did it before will do it again."

Paul concludes his email this way:

"Or simply Vilsack sucks."
Biden released at least 2 ads in late Oct. spotlighting Paul as a Wisconsinite.

Biden narrowly won the key swing state 2 weeks later.

For more on how the USDA under both parties has failed organic farmers, you can check out my story about Paul here:
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